Zinniah[Beauty] is the universal increase in human potential through beauty and wellness. Known for her healing homeopathy and professional techniques, Zinniah has obtained status as one of the most desired hairdressers in NYC, LA, and West Palm Beach. She made a name for herself by working with reality TV stars and world renowned stylists at age 16 and has since acquired a long list of powerful and successful clientele. Apart from celebrities and fashion, Zinniah is equally in high demand across different cultures. Zinniah works with wellness and philanthropy programs in between her travels to manage and work in her bicoastal businesses.
In 2015, Zinniah launched The Zinniah Foundation, Inc. to equip Latinx youth with tools for success in the beauty industry, She continues her mission with her team through ongoing mentorship and scholarship programs.
She continues to take clients in New York City, Los Angeles, and West Palm Beach.